Park street ,LLC

Fortaleza Tequila Reposado 750ml

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  • Regular price $179.99

Fortaleza Tequila Reposado is made from 100% estate grown Weber Tequilana Blue Agave. It is aged in oak barrels for 6-9 months using centuries old traditions. Being estate grown and processed Fortaleza Tequila adheres to stone milled techniques, double distillation in copper pots, fermented in open-air wood tanks using natural spring water from the Tequila Valley. This unique and traditional combination gives birth to flavors that imbue citrus, vanilla, apple, earth, and cinnamon. Fortaleza Tequila Reposado is about the finest traditional tequila.

  • Imported from Mexico
  • 40% Alcohol by Volume
  • 750 ML Bottle 
  • From Blue Agave Tequilana Weber grown in Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico